Select Questions

Lessons 1 to 10

1. (Lesson 1) Bill picked people at random and recorded their heights. What kind of sequence is he creating?
2. (Lesson 1) If you recorded the height of a child as she grew up, you would get a ______________ sequence.
3. (Lesson 2) Bob recorded the rain fall in inches each month for 10 years and then constructed a histogram from this sequence of numbers. What information does this histogram NOT show?
4. (Lesson 2) The horizontal axis on a histogram shows
5. (Lesson 3) Divide the range of scores by 10. This is a rule of thumb for determining what?
6. (Lesson 3) Given a set of data, only one specific histogram is correct for the data.
7. (Lesson 4) What is the range of the numbers below? 2 7 9 3 5 12 17 4 6
8. (Lesson 4) Sue measured the heights of a class of students in college. Would she expect the range of the scores to be zero?
9. (Lesson 5) The r.m.s. of the three numbers below is -2 0 + 2
10. (Lesson 5) Can the SD ever be a negative value?
11. (Lesson 6) The mean and SD of a set of numbers is 33.0 and 30,respectively. Each number in the set is increased by 5. (5 is added to each number) The new mean and SD are
12. (Lesson 6) The mean and SD of a set of numbers is 40.0 and 10,respectively. Each number in the set is multiplied by 5. The new mean and SD is
13. (Lesson 7) The percent of college students' weights that are expected to fall within 2 standard deviations above or below the mean is about
14. (Lesson 7) If scores on an extroversion scale were collected for all 8th graders in a middle school, what percent of their scores would be expected to fall between +1 and -1 standard deviations from the mean?
15. (Lesson 8) What is the median for the set of scores below? 2, 4, 6, 8
16. (Lesson 8) What is the 25th percentile for the set of scores below? 2, 5, 6, 7, 9
17. (Lesson 9) The __________ is sensitive to extreme scores whereas the ____________ is not.
18. (Lesson 9) Saying that a set of scores is not skewed means that
19. (Lesson 10) Calculate the % of the patients in a study who had IQ scores 120 and above. The scores were 102, 104, 106, 107, 110, 115, 120, 121, 122, 125
20. (Lesson 10) A physician doing research on the improvement of cancer patients who took a new drug found that _______% of the following patients improved, coded 0 for no improvement and 1 for improved. The patients' scores were 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0