Select Questions

Chapter 9

1. Which of the diagrams below represents the basic design of Skinner?
2. The baseline phase of Skinner's basic experimental design is where __________.
3. A design that has multiple baselines is a(n) __________ design.
4. A researcher measures the frequency of attending behavior of an ADHD child. After a week of observation, the teacher is instructed to use verbal praise each time she sees the child paying attention during the second week. For the third week, she goes back to her usual behavior, and the following week institutes verbal praise once again. This is an example of a(n) __________ design.
5. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Skinner's basic experimental design?
6. The ABAB design is also known as the __________ design.
7. The baseline in a single-case design should __________.
8. The experimental design diagrammed below is an example of a__________.
Experimental Group: R   O   X   O
Control Group: R   O    O   
9. Of the threats to internal validity to which single-case designs are vulnerable, __________ is the major one.
10. One problem in the use of randomized control group designs is __________.
11. A therapist administers the Beck Depression Inventory to a newly referred client who scores in the clinical range for depression. The therapist administers cognitive behavior therapy for 8 weeks and administers the Beck Depression Inventory again to assess the client's progress. Which of the design descriptions below describes this approach?
12. The treatment phase of Skinner's basic experimental design is where __________.