Select Questions

Chapter 8

1. Researchers have investigated the effect of exercise on depression. They have found that exercise decreases "feeling blue" in unipolar depressives but has no effect upon those suffering from seasonal affective disorder. The finding, that the effects of exercise depends upon diagnostic category, is an example of _________.
2. In the two-factor design shown in the summary table below, there was/were __________ level(s) of Factor A, Drug.
Analysis of Variance
Summary Table for Depression Scores
Source              df       F
A = Drug Th         1      1.86
B = Cog Beh Th     1     12.23*
A x B                  1       2.03
Error                30
* p < .05
3. A study contains two factors, X and Y, each with two levels (present, absent). The possible treatments are __________.
4. Factorial designs are used when the researcher wishes to measure the effect of an independent variable __________.
5. In a two-factor design, the number of F tests performed is:
6. In Hall and Kataria's study evaluating different treatments for attention deficit hyperactive disorder, the children were tested on a delayed response task both when they were taking Ritalin and when they were not. A variable such as this involving repeated testing of the same subjects is called:
7. In a within-subjects design, the most likely threat to internal validity is __________.
8. In a between-subjects design, a possible threat to internal validity is _________.
9. The design that best controls for individual differences between subjects, using the fewest number of subjects, is the __________.
10. The degrees of freedom associated with the main effects and interaction in an analysis of variance depend on:
11. The evidence for interactions can be seen most clearly in which of the following?
12. In a factorial design, the total number of treatments __________.