Select Questions

Chapter 7

1. A fundamental principle asserted by the Nuremberg Code is __________.
2. According to the APA, what percent of psychology's experiments involve animals?
3. The need for informed consent is waived when __________.
4. Milgram was surprised to find that _____ % of the participants in his study of obedience to authority continued to shock the learner after he kicked loudly on the wall and stopped answering any of the teacher's questions.
5. When a researcher analyzes the potential harm to a subject and the good that will come out of her study, she is performing a(n) __________.
6. When assessing risks, medical research is more likely to involve interference with __________ whereas social science research is more likely to involve interference with __________.
7. The APA Code of Conduct for Research __________.
8. The Animal Welfare Act of 1985 __________.
9. A study involves __________ when the probability and magnitude of harm or anticipated discomfort are not greater than that ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests.
10. Which of the following types of deception is NEVER permitted in psychological research?
11. Until recently, much medical research involved only white males as subjects, denying the benefits of research to minorities and women. This practice violates the principle of __________.
12. One fundamental principle asserted by the Nuremberg Code is __________.