Select Questions

Chapter 5

1. George Yule used the method of least squares to develop an interpretation of correlation as:
2. A correlation coefficient of zero is to __________ as a correlation coefficient of one is to __________.
3. The calculation of equations to minimize the error in predicting one variable (the dependent variable) from a set of independent variables uses __________.
4. A scatterplot showing a correlation of .90 would differ from a scatterplot for a correlation of .33 in:
5. Absence of linear relationship is to __________ as linear relationship is to __________.
6. When people use the derogatory phrase "just a correlational study," they most often are being critical of:
7. A researcher is trying to predict success in college and to determine which of several predictors (high school grades, ACT or SAT scores, teachers' evaluations) is best. She would determine this using __________.
8. Regression line is to __________ as a two stage application of method of least squares is to __________.
9. Statistical control uses a variation of:
10. The __________ relates the deviation of one set of scores from the mean to the deviation of a second set of scores from the mean (perhaps parents and offspring).
11. A comparison of a person's scores on two different measures is made by transforming the scores to a new scale. These new scores are called __________ scores.
12. Yule's work showed that Galton's correlation coefficient was __________.