Select Questions

Chapter 2

1. Naturalistic researchers do all of the following EXCEPT:
2. Researchers "who belong to a group and report on that group" conduct research using which of the following research methods?
3. The major distinction between passive-observational studies and experiments is:
4. Gordon Allport characterized __________ research as attempting to discover general principles of behavior.
5. Witkin and his colleagues conducted a study to discover whether males with an XYY chromosome structure tended to get in trouble with the law more frequently than males with the more common XY chromosome composition. The researchers obtained cell samples from Danish men to determine their chromosomal pattern and then checked in government records to determine the men's legal difficulties. This study is an example of:
6. Little is known about the ability of two-month-old children to form concepts. What method would you use to begin the study of their conceptual abilities?
7. Bromley advises case study researchers to anticipate opposition to their interpretations and prepare for it by asking themselves whether:
8. Durkheim examined the reason for dying on death certificates in order to determine whether people had committed suicide. In addition, he noted the age, sex, and religious affiliation of the person. He used these observations to formulate a sociological theory. This research is an example of the __________ method.
9. Bromley defines the __________ method as a reconstruction and interpretation, based upon the best evidence available, of part of the story of a person's life.
10. Which of the following methods of answering research questions is best at determining the causes of a behavior?
11. The book I Never Promised You a Rose Garden is an in-depth study of a young female schizophrenic. The book Sybil is an in-depth story of a young woman with multiple personalities. These stories, used by clinicians to identify and describe psychological problems, are examples of the __________ method.
12. Birth records, census figures, test scores, and diaries are examples of existing records used in what type of research?