Select Questions

Chapter 11

1. If you are having trouble finding literature on your topic using PsycLIT you should __________.
2. To ask how a child or person from another country might view an event is an example of trying to bring a fresh perspective to a problem. This is an example of __________.
3. Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) cites:
4. PsycINFO is the on-line computer version of:
5. Being open to the full range of possible interpretations of one's observations increases a scientist's chances of arriving at valid understanding. Which of the following scientists refers to this as entertaining multiple hypotheses?
6. A graduate student, whose grandmother suffered from Alzheimer's Disease, wondered how one might alleviate stress in family members of patients with this disease. Her research is an example of research from __________.
7. Many researchers have examined how the personality characteristics of mothers affect infant attachment. More recently, researchers have categorized the personalities of infants and related these to maternal attachment. This change in how we examine the question is an example of developing research ideas from __________.
8. Some clinical research has found that artificial light improves depression in clients. Other researchers have failed to find this beneficial effect. This led a researcher to hypothesize that the differences in the effectiveness of artificial light were due to the type of depressive illness associated with the client. This is an example of developing a research hypothesis from __________.
9. Harlow was interested in studying the relative influence of genetics and learning on behavior in monkeys. In one investigation, he removed young monkeys from their mothers at birth (to prevent observational learning from their mothers). To provide the young monkeys with warmth, a cloth blanket was placed in their cages. When the blankets were removed for cleaning, Harlow was very surprised to see how distressed the monkeys became. This observation, which had nothing to do with his original research, led him to a new line of research on attachment. This is an example of __________.
10. Which of the following is NOT seen as a necessary characteristic of researchers?
11. Which of the following is NOT a strategy employed to get rid of preconceptions, prejudices, and assumptions as to what can be observed?
12. __________ is a subset of PsycINFO covering the journal, book, and chapter literature available on CD-ROM.