Select Questions

Chapter 1

1. The term "operational definition" was coined by __________.
2. Hullian theory hypothesizes that rates of behavior will increase directly as a function of increased motivational states. The following statement is an example of __________. If hours of food deprivation are increased (an increase in motivational state), then the rat will run the maze more quickly.
3. A __________ is a tentative answer to a research question - a statement of expectation that, given certain conditions, certain other events or conditions also will hold true.
4. Presenting a paper at a conference or submitting it for publication are activities in __________.
5. Science avoids errors and biases in making observations or in making conclusions by systematically checking and repeating work. This process is known as __________.
6. Which of the following does NOT represent a variable that could be tested using experimentation?
7. A neuropsychologist hypothesized that the occipital cortex is involved in vision. He examined the brains of stroke patients (after death) and discovered that most of those with blindness had stroke damage in their occipital cortex. His approach is best described as __________.
8. The observation that newcomers to a field often become innovators is most clearly explained by which of the following people?
9. Induction refers to the process of:
10. __________ refers to the process of reasoning from particular facts or individual cases to a general conclusion.
11. An animal psychologist believed that animals were unable to learn a maze unless stimulus-response connections were stamped in by the animal receiving a food reward. His position is most similar to that of __________.
12. The aspect of scientific work that most clearly demonstrates its collective nature is: